Client Success Stories
Before coaching with Briana, I struggled with feeling as healthy as I wanted to and having enough energy to complete all of the things I needed to do for work and for my family, let alone having the energy to do things I wanted to do that were just for me.
Then Briana taught me that self care is just as important as what I do for other people, and that food isn’t “good” or bad” – it’s more important to understand the balance and how certain types of food make me feel.
The three most significant results I’ve experienced from coaching with Briana are:
Feeling better after eating intentionally – giving myself time to eat and be present with my food, and putting my fork down between bites is a habit now.
Losing eight pounds after eating better and working out more consistently.
Noticing and minimizing the all-or-nothing thinking that was a barrier to me feeling like my exercise routine was good enough. Skipping a day does not negate all the good workouts and effort I put in earlier in the week!
What I loved most about coaching with Briana is that there was always a deeper “why beneath the why” – something broader that would help me succeed. My work with Briana has been more impactful than all the work I did with my therapist!
Before coaching with Briana, I struggled with doing things I knew were healthy on a consistent basis – taking healthy actions and making them stick.
Then Briana taught me to trade in judgement for curiosity and that the bar I set for myself should be fluid across multiple aspects of my life.
The three most significant results I’ve experienced from coaching with Briana are:
Accessible meal planning and prepping tools that fit into my routine to make sure I have food on hand that gives me the energy I need – cottage cheese is a great source of protein and so versatile!
Movement activities, like yoga, that nourish my body after sitting at a desk all day and replenish my energy levels.
Shift in focus on work and life being separate – not bringing my work home (emotionally) has made my home life and time with my partner more relaxed.
What I loved most about coaching with Briana is that there were central themes and really good questions guiding each session that started at a broad level and got more narrow as the weeks progressed. Regardless of the theme of each session, the content felt very specific and relevant to where I was at the time.